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- 15.99 €
Leeliseline rasvaeemaldaja
Võimas rasvaeemaldaja rasva eemaldamiseks kõikidelt pindadelt. Ei sisalda kloori ega happeid! 500ml.
DEGREASER on võimas rasvaeemaldaja rasvase, kõrbenud mustuse eemaldamiseks grillidelt, kaminatelt, suitsukambritelt, tööpindadelt või põrandatelt. Toode on rikastatud ka detoneerivate ainetega, mis eemaldavad erinevatelt pindadelt katlakivi. Toode mitte ainult ei puhasta sügavalt imendunud või tõrksa rasvase mustuse, vaid katab pinna kaitsekihiga, mis tõrjub mustust, takistades selle kiiret pinnaga haakumist ja hõlbustab igapäevast puhastamist.
Kui teil on vaja aknaraamidelt või muudelt pindadelt mustust ja sammalt eemaldada, et need uuesti uueks muuta, saab teid aidata DEGREASER.- Brand name: NANO GO
- Origin: United Kingdom
- Type: The best cleaner for removing grease and scale from all surfaces.
- Use: ceramics, metal, steel, aluminium, chrome, tiles, shower glass. - 13.99 €
Nano-cleaner for kitchen surfaces
Alkaline kitchen surface cleaner 500ml
NANO GO KITCHEN CLEANER is an alkaline nano-cleaner for kitchen maintenance and cleaning.
Its unique formula, which contains nanosilver, provides excellent protection and surface cleaning.
Ideal for cleaning work surfaces (ceramics, granite, lacquered wood, painted surfaces, plastics), kitchen cabinets, dishwashers, refrigerators, microwaves, stovetops and other surfaces affected by grease, dirt, rust stains or soap.
The pleasant fragrance of the cleaner removes the annoying smell of grease or burnt oil, while providing absolute protection against new stains and all kinds of dirt.
Refresh and maintain the shine and beauty of your kitchen surfaces with NANO GO Kitchen Surface Nano Cleaner.
A single spray of this product is enough to remove even the deepest dirt, and its active ingredients form a protective layer that repels dirt.- Brand name: NANO GO®
- Origin: United Kingdom
- Type: alkaline kitchen surface cleaner.
- Application: ceramics, granite, stone, lacquered wood, plastic, metal, painted surfaces, acrylic and glass, kitchen appliances. Metal or stone sinks, worktops. - 18.99 €
Universal Cleaner with Nanosilver (APC) 1000ML.
Universal alkaline cleaner enriched with nanosilver for everyday use. Suitable for all surfaces, it is effective for cleaning furniture, ceramics, painted surfaces, metal, car exteriors and interiors and much more.
Concentrated ingredients and nanosilver particles are able to clean even the biggest dirt and stains and protect against bacteria, viruses and fungi. Fear not, this cleaner will not cause discolouration or alter surface properties.The chemical ingredients in this product allow you to create a protective layer so that surfaces stay cleaner for longer. In this way, cleaned areas are protected from the rapid appearance of stains, dirt or grease and make future cleaning easier.
With one universal NANO GO ALL PURPOSE CLEANER in your home, you can forget about the various cleaning products that don't fit in your cupboards - the power of all cleaning products in one bottle! Tailored to different surfaces and different types of dirt, this versatile cleaner will become an integral part of your daily cleaning routine.- Brand name: NANO GO®
- Origin: United Kingdom
- Type: universal alkaline cleaner
- Application: plastics, eco-leather, ceramics, metal, steel, aluminium, chrome, wood, upholstery, etc. Type of product: universal, high performance. - 14.99 €
Cleaning agent APC MAX
Alkaline, high concentration universal cleaner APC MAX 500ml.
APC MAX is a powerful cleaner for all types of surfaces. Its renewed formula contains highly concentrated active ingredients that remove all dirt from any surface in minutes. It is a multi-purpose product, compatible with all types of materials such as plastic, metal, steel, aluminium, wood, etc. In addition, it removes all traces of dirt and grime from walls, ceilings and floors.
The concentrated APC MAX formula contains active ingredients capable of cleaning all types of dirt and maintaining the aesthetic appearance of the surfaces to which it is applied. It is ideal for removing tough stains that traditional methods will not remove. Rust stains aren't a problem either, use our APC MAX and eventually those pesky rust marks will disappear. In addition, the nanosilver particles in this product help to slow down the natural ageing of metals, adding life to the surface and fighting rusting processes.
- Brand name: NANO GO®
- Origin: United Kingdom
- Type: high concentration alkaline all-purpose cleaner.
- Application: plastic, metal, steel, aluminium, wood, upholstery. - 11.99 €
Leather surface cleaner
NANO GO LEATHER FOAM CLEANER for all types of leather cleansing 250ml.
Shoes, leather furniture, leather safety seats and all other leather products in your home, car or office are kept clean and tidy with NANO GO LEATHER FOAM CLEANER.
The cleaning foam is specially formulated to care, protect and deep clean all types of leather, suede, eco and genuine leather. Thanks to the product's active ingredients, nanosilver particles penetrate into the deepest part of the fibre and provide exceptional protection against microbes.
Unlike simple skin cleansers, NANO GO LEATHER FOAM CLEANER does not dry out the skin, leaving it smooth, supple and soft. Ideal for cleaning shoes, belts, jackets, furniture, upholstery, car seats or other leather. The foam is able to dissolve even the heaviest dirt, ensuring effective results in minutes.
After cleaning the leather, we recommend applying NANO GO Leather Nanoprotectant.
For suede, eco or genuine leather footwear, we recommend to coat with NANO GO Footwear Nanoprotectant after cleaning.- Brand name: NANO GO®
- Origin: United Kingdom
- Type: foam for skin cleansing.
- Application: natural leather, suede, eco-leather and nubuck. - 15.99 €
Wheel cleaner
Bleeding Rims - High quality alkaline car rim cleaner with "bleeding" action 500ml.
This product is specifically designed for the care and cleaning of rims.
The active formula removes even the smallest traces of dirt from the rims.
The neutral pH is responsible for the removal of dirt and iron residues that accumulate inside the rims or between the paint fragments.
Bleeding Rims Wheel Cleaner is compatible with any material: steel, aluminium, custom rims, etc.
Brake dust or road spots are not a problem. A single application of this product is enough to get rid of those pesky dirt and rust stains that affect the beauty of your wheels.
The wheel cleaner also removes rust and rust stains from pavement and concrete.
Wheel Cleaner is suitable for all wheel types: aluminium, steel and lacquered.- Brand name: NANO GO®
- Origin: United Kingdom
- Type:Ph-neutral wheel cleaner
- Application: metal, steel, aluminium, chrome, paint. Suitable for cleaning rust stains from floors and concrete. - 16.99 €
Aluminium cleaner
Universal gloss cleaner for aluminium alloys 500ml.
This high quality all-purpose aluminium surface cleaner has an added brightening effect and can be used on any aluminium, silver or chrome surface. Originally made as a car aluminium wheel cleaner, it can also be used in the home or industry for aluminium sinks and pipes, cookers, worktops and other surfaces that may come into contact with dirt and contaminants.
The perfect formula, thanks to the strong cleaning agents, quickly dissolves dirt and oxidation film, removes stains and discolourations.
After cleaning, the aluminium becomes brighter and shinier.
The ingredients of the products have the property to remove the oxidation layer and restore the perfect appearance of strips and other aluminium elements.
Suitable for the cleaning of truck fuel tanks, car rims, etc.
The product does not contain acids corrosive to aluminium surfaces.- Brand name: NANO GO
- Origin: United Kingdom
- Type: aluminium cleaner.
- Application: metal, aluminium, chrome, silver.