Leeliseline rasvaeemaldaja

(14 arvustused)


Võimas rasvaeemaldaja rasva eemaldamiseks kõikidelt pindadelt. Ei sisalda kloori ega happeid! 500ml.

DEGREASER on võimas rasvaeemaldaja rasvase, kõrbenud mustuse eemaldamiseks grillidelt, kaminatelt, suitsukambritelt, tööpindadelt või põrandatelt. Toode on rikastatud ka detoneerivate ainetega, mis eemaldavad erinevatelt pindadelt katlakivi. Toode mitte ainult ei puhasta sügavalt imendunud või tõrksa rasvase mustuse, vaid katab pinna kaitsekihiga, mis tõrjub mustust, takistades selle kiiret pinnaga haakumist ja hõlbustab igapäevast puhastamist.
Kui teil on vaja aknaraamidelt või muudelt pindadelt mustust ja sammalt eemaldada, et need uuesti uueks muuta, saab teid aidata DEGREASER.

- Brand name: NANO GO
- Origin: United Kingdom
- Type: The best cleaner for removing grease and scale from all surfaces.
- Use: ceramics, metal, steel, aluminium, chrome, tiles, shower glass.


Product code: degreaser 500ml. Category Tags

Product Description

Leeliseline rasvaeemaldaja

DEGREASER on võimas rasvaeemaldaja rasvase, küpsenud mustuse eemaldamiseks ahjudelt, BBQ-delt, kaminatelt, suitsukambritelt, tööpindadelt ja põrandatelt. Lisaks on puhastusvahend mõeldud katlakivi eemaldamiseks kõikidelt pindadelt.

  • Removes annoying grease and scale.
  • Provides full protection against new stains or dirt of any kind.
  • Removes even the deepest, oldest grease and dirt.
  • Chlorine-free.
  • Acid-free.
  • 100% biodegradable product.
  • Produced with environmentally friendly processes.
Method of implementation:

Spray on and wait 2-3 minutes, then rinse with plenty of water. Wait 10 minutes for very heavy dirt.
Wear protective gloves.
Remove heavy dirt with a brush.
Repeat the procedure if necessary.
Do not use on hot surfaces.
Test the product on a small area of the surface to be cleaned in an unseen place before use.

Packaging: 500ml.


All images shown are illustrative. Actual product may vary due to product enhancements.


For more information

Weight0.56 kg

14 arvustust tootele Leeliseline rasvaeemaldaja

  1. Reilika -

    Got the oven clean, smells strong once, but disappears quickly.

  2. Jane -

    A strong smell for a moment, but it disappears quickly. I got rid of my boiler scale in the bathroom, didn't try the fryer but will definitely try that.

  3. Rasmus -

    Very good for fat removal

  4. Maarika -

    I got the oven completely clean of grease! 🙂

  5. Pirje -

    A very good product, got the steamer clean in minutes. Super!

  6. Reili -

    The frying pan got clean quickly!

  7. Riina -

    A super product for the bathroom as well as the oven.
    Works perfectly and the oven shines like new.

  8. ave -

    Super product, the cube rests are like new.

  9. Tiina -

    Really works against fat. Fast acting and convenient to use

  10. Piret Kuik -

    I also used it to clean the oven. My old oven is like new inside 🙂
    I also cleaned the ceramic hob - got it completely clean.

  11. Helen -

    Kasutasin kubu rasvafiltri puhastamiseks. Üllatuslikult tõhus vahend,ilma nühkimata.Soovitan.

  12. Kadi -

    Mõtlesin ja kaalutlesin ja kahtlesin. Polnud üldse põhjust. Kaup käes ja järgi proovitud. SUPPER vahend!! Kiire toime ja toode nagu uus. Minu vana kubu sai uue läike. Väga rahul ja soovitan!!!

  13. airike -

    Tugevalt tahmased kaminaklaasid sai kiirelt puhtaks

  14. Ülli Salk -

    Olin kindel, et olen järjekordse reklaami ohver aga SEE TÖÖTAS. Puhastasin pliidi tagust seina kaitseklaasi ja õhupuhastajat, tulemus suurepärane. Uskumatu toode! Pihustamise ajal tasub mitte sisse hingata, toime hingamisteedele.

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Warning: Causes severe skin burns and eye damage.

corrosive 2000x2000

Keep the product packaging or label handy in case medical attention is needed.
KEEP OUT OF THE REACH OF CHILDREN. Wash thoroughly after handling. Wear protective gloves/protective clothing/goggles/face protection.
In case of ingestion: rinse mouth. DO NOT induce vomiting.
INHALATION: Remove to fresh air and find a comfortable place to breathe.
IN CASE OF EYE INJURY: Rinse gently with water for several minutes. Remove contact lenses if they are in the eye and can be easily removed. Continue rinsing.
Dispose of the product contents and/or its packaging in accordance with the disposal rules.

Sisaldab: amfoteersed pindaktiivsed ained <5%, mitteioonsed pindaktiivsed ained <5%, fosfonaadid <5%. Kaaliumhüdroksiid; Naatriumhüdroksiid; D-glükopüranoos, oligomeerid, detsüüloktüülglükosiidid.

Colour: yellow liquid. Other colours also available (depending on production batch).
Odour: characteristic, strong.
pH (pure) at 20 °C: 11,5 - 12,5
Dilution ratio: product for direct use.
Composition: wetting agents, degreasers and chelating agents.
Shelf life: 36 months from the date of manufacture.
Customs code: HS 3402209000