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- 15.99 €
Leeliseline rasvaeemaldaja
Võimas rasvaeemaldaja rasva eemaldamiseks kõikidelt pindadelt. Ei sisalda kloori ega happeid! 500ml.
DEGREASER on võimas rasvaeemaldaja rasvase, kõrbenud mustuse eemaldamiseks grillidelt, kaminatelt, suitsukambritelt, tööpindadelt või põrandatelt. Toode on rikastatud ka detoneerivate ainetega, mis eemaldavad erinevatelt pindadelt katlakivi. Toode mitte ainult ei puhasta sügavalt imendunud või tõrksa rasvase mustuse, vaid katab pinna kaitsekihiga, mis tõrjub mustust, takistades selle kiiret pinnaga haakumist ja hõlbustab igapäevast puhastamist.
Kui teil on vaja aknaraamidelt või muudelt pindadelt mustust ja sammalt eemaldada, et need uuesti uueks muuta, saab teid aidata DEGREASER.- Brand name: NANO GO
- Origin: United Kingdom
- Type: The best cleaner for removing grease and scale from all surfaces.
- Use: ceramics, metal, steel, aluminium, chrome, tiles, shower glass. - 16.99 €
Insect Remover
Insect remover 750ml.
WAX AND BUGS REMOVER is specially formulated to completely and effectively remove traces of wax products and dirt from your car body.
It is ideal for removing residues and pit stains left on car surfaces, especially if you use wax or gloss protectors.
Thanks to the use of this product, the protective coatings are even more effective and last much longer. Similarly, it complements the cleaning effect as minimal wax traces disappear without stripping the body brightness or paint.- Brand name: NANO GO®
- Origin: United Kingdom
- Type: alkaline cleaner for car body, rims.
- Application area: plastic, metal, steel, aluminium, chrome, painted surfaces. - 16.99 €
Aluminium cleaner
Universal gloss cleaner for aluminium alloys 500ml.
This high quality all-purpose aluminium surface cleaner has an added brightening effect and can be used on any aluminium, silver or chrome surface. Originally made as a car aluminium wheel cleaner, it can also be used in the home or industry for aluminium sinks and pipes, cookers, worktops and other surfaces that may come into contact with dirt and contaminants.
The perfect formula, thanks to the strong cleaning agents, quickly dissolves dirt and oxidation film, removes stains and discolourations.
After cleaning, the aluminium becomes brighter and shinier.
The ingredients of the products have the property to remove the oxidation layer and restore the perfect appearance of strips and other aluminium elements.
Suitable for the cleaning of truck fuel tanks, car rims, etc.
The product does not contain acids corrosive to aluminium surfaces.- Brand name: NANO GO
- Origin: United Kingdom
- Type: aluminium cleaner.
- Application: metal, aluminium, chrome, silver. - 11.99 €
Glass cleaner
NANO GO glass surface cleaner - hydrophobic polish and cleaner for glass, metal, chrome, ceramics, mirrors, lacquered furniture 500ml.
NANO GO CRYSTAL GLASS SHINE has a unique formula that allows you to clean your glass without too much effort. The product is ideal for removing grease, fingerprints, stains, dust and dirt from car windows, mirrors, screens, ceramic tiles, etc.
The glass cleaner's additives isopropyl alcohol and nanosilver particles allow you to achieve the best result - cleanliness and shine. At the same time, the cleaner creates a protective, hydrophobic and anti-static layer, making surfaces cleaner and longer lasting.
The product has a higher concentration of active ingredients, which means that only a small amount of product is needed for effective cleaning. Just one spray is enough to remove even the heaviest dirt from surfaces. By the way - one product purchased is enough for a long time.With NANO GO CRYSTAL GLASS SHINE, forget about cleaning your mirrors every day!
For long-lasting cleanliness, we recommend NANO GO GLASS COATING, which provides self-cleaning properties and long-lasting protection.
- Brand name: NANO GO®
- Origin: United Kingdom
- Type.
- Application: glass, mirrors, TV, LCD screens, ceramics, chrome, metal, lacquered surfaces, etc. Type: glossy, high gloss, high gloss, polishing agent.